Happy Independence Day Lush Scouts! It just so happens that the 4th coincides with a Friday this year (heeeeey three day weekend!), so I thought it would be an appropriate time to sit down and take the time to talk about some of my favorite things from the past couple weeks.
1. I've been listening to a lot of Angel Olsen lately. I was introduced to her via this great performance on David Letterman. She sounds similar to
Courtney Barnett, but with a smidge more blues. I enjoy that I can often listen to her and pick out influences. Go ahead, give it a listen:
2. I've been watching the SHIT outta the FIFA World Cup. I watched almost ever match of the last cup, and while I haven't been quite up to that standard this time, I have watched every USA match and streamed several other while at work. Besides rooting for the USA, I watch for the gameplay, not because I really want any specific team to win. I witnessed our great game against Ghana and our amazing game against Portugal (minus the last 2 minutes). I saw the losing match with Germany that put us through to the round of 16, and heard my coworkers make the saddest noise ever as we lost against Belgium. I look forward to the next cup, because while we didn't necessarily have the hustle and cohesion we needed to really break out of this cup, we played well and played with courage and heart. Not to mention that Tim Howard is basically a God (and as a former Goalie, I definitely admire his ability to save ALL the things.)

3. I'm super excited about the newly introduced program by Google, Made With Code, mean to introduce and excite girls about coding and computer science. As a kid who taught herself HTML at a young age, I wish something like this had been available to me at the time. I am however, going to be learning some more coding, to make up for lost time (obviously), through
CodeCademy's free lessons. Better late than never, right? But regardless, I intend on introducing my sweet little niece to this, because code is rad.
4. Look at
this great scarf! I love flamingos as a motif and they're so subtle in this. Also, it's an infinity scarf, so really no way to go wrong! I've been acquiring flamingo items at a rapid pace this summer, so I may look into investing in this one as well.
5. I went with my boyf to see The Grand Budapest Hotel last weekend and it was AMAZING. It may have displaced The Darjeeling Limited as my favorite movie. It had everything I love about Wes Anderson films, plus more action, more vulgarity, and a Czech/Austrian/Sudenten influence. It immediately made me homesick for Vienna and I felt overwhelmed with nostalgia on several occasions throughout the film. Even the boxes from the movie's iconic bakery "Mendl's" reminded me of the similarly pink boxes from Konditorei Aida found throughout Vienna.
Have a great holiday Lushies. May you keep your fingers away from fireworks, your belly full of burgers, and may you not get so drunk you humiliate yourself.
I just bought me a brand new box of matches,